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dc.contributor.authorVelásquez Lucas, Priscila-
dc.identifier.citationVelásquez Lucas, P. (2023). Centro integral de desarrollo comunitario en el sector del barrio “altos del porvenir 2” y su radio de influencia en la parroquia Tarqui-Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl desarrollo de las comunidades es de vital importancia para el fortalecimiento de la matriz productiva y el avance de la urbe en general, por ello, la creación de espacios que fortalezcan el establecimiento de lazos duraderos y la realización de actividades a gran escala en pro de los ciudadanos es fundamental para que los habitantes progresen a nivel económico, social y cultural.es
dc.description.abstractThe development of the communities is of vital importance for the strengthening of the productive matrix and the progress of the city in general, therefore, the creation of spaces that strengthen the establishment of lasting ties and the carrying out of large-scale activities in favor of citizens is essential for the inhabitants to progress economically, socially and culturally. Through the study, an architectural proposal capable of changing the way of life of the inhabitants is generated, leaving at their disposal an integral development center adapted to the needs of the inhabitants of the "Altos del Porvenir II" neighborhood and surrounding sectors so that they can be capable of transforming the reality in which they live. The Altos Porvenir II neighborhood is located in the Tarqui Parish, it is a neighborhood that has advanced slowly since over time it has received little attention from the competent authorities, so the proposed project, in addition to generating a A building with architectural characteristics that is integrated into the site will generate that the inhabitants of this sector have a closer social bond and acquire through workshops and practical training knowledge to be able to boost the economy of the sector and the parish, which will mainly aim at the social well-being of its residents. population. Public recreational areas are planned so that the inhabitants of the sector and surrounding areas can also have a meeting place to socialize and have fun. Within the research work through surveys and interviews, information has been extracted from the feelings and thoughts of its inhabitants, in this way a vision of what the inhabitants need to improve their lifestyle has been obtained.es
dc.titleCentro integral de desarrollo comunitario en el sector del barrio “altos del porvenir 2” y su radio de influencia en la parroquia Tarqui-Manta.es
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