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dc.contributor.authorZamora Cedeño, Jonathan Javier-
dc.identifier.citationZamora Cedeño, J. J. (2022). Análisis de la inconfortabilidad térmica denotada en los espacios de uso público del centro urbano de la ciudad de Buena Fe – Los Ríos. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEste documento pretende dar a conocer el desarrollo del análisis de la inconfortabilidad térmica de la ciudad de Buena Fe, teniendo como propósito el determinar los factores que condicionan el confort térmico en los espacios abiertos de uso público del centro de la ciudad. Por medio del análisis y con la recolección de información se podrá corroborar la problemática del disconfort la cual se debe al aumento de la temperatura, la humedad, la radiación solar, la contaminación de los vehículos motorizados, y la pérdida de la vegetación.es
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this document is to present the development of the analysis of thermal discomfort in the city of Buena Fe, with the purpose of determining the factors that condition thermal comfort in open spaces for public use in the city center. Through the analysis and the collection of information, it will be possible to corroborate the problem of discomfort, which is due to the increase in temperature, humidity, solar radiation, pollution from motor vehicles, and the loss of vegetation. The use of the methodologies proposed will be used for the development of the research, using descriptive, exploratory and qualitative-quantitative research. As for the research design, documentary research and field research will be used. Being these two the most important, the first for the collection of data from different secondary sources such as articles and books, and the second in the collection of information such as surveys, and data collection, what factors affect the thermal comfort. With the use of the various tools used, the diagnosis determined the factors that most affected thermal comfort, the first being humidity and the second high temperatures. Due to these factors and others, several strategies and criteria were proposed to reduce the problem. In addition, the relationship of several of the analyzed areas of the data collection was explained, and several proposals for recommendations will be mentioned. It was proposed that several scientific works should be carried out based on public space and urban areas, that ordinances should be implemented, and that green infrastructures should be created.es
dc.subjectLA HUMEDADes
dc.titleAnálisis de la inconfortabilidad térmica denotada en los espacios de uso público del centro urbano de la ciudad de Buena Fe – Los Ríos.es
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