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dc.contributor.authorMero Mero, Andrea Jacqueline-
dc.identifier.citationMero Mero, A. J. (2022). Inconfortabilidad espacial: uso y permanencia en espacios escolares en la provincia de Manabí durante la pandemia covid-19.(Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo de titulación se realizó con el propósito de analizar los espacios escolares a través de el estudio de su infraestructura para la recepción de docentes, estudiantes y padres de familia. Con el objetivo de evaluar el estado físico de las unidades educativas, como sus aulas y sus espacios complementarios para un mejor aprendizaje, como sabemos, el Covid-19 hizo que nuestra vida viniera pararse para comenzar un nuevo giro con nuevas historias y experiencias. El enfoque de la investigación fue mezcló tanto exploratorio como descriptivo teniendo en cuenta los componentes físicos y el Estética del aula que incide directamente en el aprendizaje.es
dc.description.abstractThe present titling work was carried out with the purpose of analyzing school spaces through the study of their infrastructure for the reception of teachers, students and parents. With the aim of evaluating the physical state of the educational units, such as their classrooms and their complementary spaces for better learning, as we know, the Covid-19 caused our life to come to a standstill to begin a new turn with new stories and experiences. The research approach was mixed both exploratory and descriptive taking into account physical components and the aesthetics of the classroom that directly affects learning. For the purpose of this study, 3 Manabí cantons (Manta-Montecristi-Jaramijó) were analyzed taking into account educational units built of concrete and container type to see if they received students according to what was established by the Ministry of Education and its new measures or Post-Covid-19 established standards. The instruments used were the interview and survey made to teachers, students and parents. The information obtained indicates that the great majority of the institutions at the beginning were not in charge of receiving and housing the students, but according to the norms that were proposed, analyzed and accepted by the Ministry of Education with the help of the Ministry of Health that was was in charge of supplying the vaccination doses so that we can feel safe and protected in the face of this pandemic, not all institutions have an infrastructure for daily use, therefore we must reflect and promote an improvement in educational spaces and even add the spaces that are missing .es
dc.titleInconfortabilidad espacial: uso y permanencia en espacios escolares en la provincia de Manabí durante la pandemia covid-19.es
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