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Título : Ensilaje de megathyrsus maximus jacq. con adición de harina de maíz, melaza y bacterias ácido-lácticas.
Autor : Cedeño Espinoza, Alisson Mishelle
Palabras clave : PANICUM MAXIMUM
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Citación : Cedeño Espinoza, A. M. (2022). Ensilaje de megathyrsus maximus jacq. con adición de harina de maíz, melaza y bacterias ácido-lácticas. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-AGRO;0244
Resumen : Knowing the wide national distribution of the Megathyrsus maximus jacq. (saboya grass), the management that is given to it and on many times a poor use of it, this research was proposed with a view to evaluating the quality of this ensiled grass with the addition of corn flour, molasses and lactic acid bacteria (BAL on spanish) already that on many occasions, in the rainy season it is not fully exploited and in the dry season the meadows are so scarce and supplementation becomes necessary. 15 microsilos of 2 kg net each one were made where 3 levels of corn flour inclusion were tested (T1=10%, T2=15% and T3=20% of the silo) plus a control (T4) giving a total of 4 treatments with 3 repetitions each one. All of them contained molasses (6%) and lactic acid bacteria (300 ml t). Grass was fertilized in drench in 3 fractions. Harvest was made, it was chopped to no less than 2 cm, it was mixed with the ingredients according to the treatment proposed in each case and it was stored for 35 days after which each microsilo was opened and a 100g sample was obtained and sent to the laboratory for analysis of pH, dry matter (MS on spanish) and bromatology (crude protein, crude fiber, ash, ethereal extract, non-nitrogenous free extract). It was obtained that all treatments meet the minimum characteristics necessary to serve as ruminant feed, it was also seen that the inclusion of molasses, BAL and corn flour does influence the bromatological characteristics of the silos and that treatments T2 and T3 present the best bromatological characteristics. Likewise, it was found that the T1 treatment is the most profitable was the control.
Descripción : Conociendo la amplia distribución a nivel nacional del pasto Megathyrsus maximus jacq. (saboya), el manejo que se le da y en muchas ocasiones el mal aprovechamiento de este, se planteó esta investigación con miras a evaluar la calidad de este pasto ensilado con la adición de harina de maíz, melaza y bacterias ácido lácticas (BAL) ya que en muchas ocasiones, en época de lluvias no se lo aprovecha por completo y en época de sequía escasean tanto las praderas que se vuelve necesario la suplementación.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5145
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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