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Título : Trazabilidad de antibióticos en ganaderías lecheras del cantón El Carmen, Manabí.
Autor : Rivera Leones, Edgar Manuel
Palabras clave : TETRACICLINA
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Citación : Rivera Leones, E. M. (2022). Trazabilidad de antibióticos en ganaderías lecheras del cantón El Carmen, Manabí. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-AGRO;0304
Resumen : The present study was carried out in the Wilfrido Loor Moreira parish belonging to the El Carmen canton, in November 2021, in order to determine the traceability of antibiotics in dairy farms in the parish. A non-probabilistic sampling was carried out in a population of 40 producers and a sample of 26 producers was determined. To avoid false positives, the acidity test was applied by means of the Alcohol Test, the samples were kept refrigerated and processed in the laboratory of the Río Suma Experimental Farm of the ULEAM Extension in El Carmen. At 24 hours, the yogurt inhibition test was performed to determine the existence of traces of antibiotics in milk. The identification of the pharmacological groups was carried out with the AuroFlowTM BTS Combo Strip Test Kit, designed for the detection of beta-lactam antibiotics, tetracyclines and sulfonamides. The risk factors associated with traceability were established by calculating the Odd's Ratio using the On line WINEPI software from winepi.net. The percentage residuality of antibiotics was 0 % for all farms evaluated and 100% of the samples were negative for the pharmacological groups tetracycline, beta-lactams and sulfonamides. It was possible to determine that there is no association between the risk factors and the traceability found. This is because the Odds Ratio statistical association measure reached null values = (1) for a significance level of 95% in all survey responses.
Descripción : El presente estudio se realizó en la parroquia Wilfrido Loor Moreira perteneciente al cantón El Carmen, en noviembre del 2021, con el fin de determinar la trazabilidad de antibióticos en ganaderías lecheras de la parroquia. Se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico en una población de 40 productores y se determinó una muestra de 26 productores. Para evitar falsos positivos se aplicó la prueba de acidez por medio del Test de alcoholímetrica, las muestras se conservaron en refrigeración y se procesaron en el laboratorio de la Granja Experimental Río Suma de la ULEAM Extensión en El Carmen.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5207
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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