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dc.contributor.authorAray Arauz, Jemima Denisse-
dc.contributor.authorReyes Vinces, Johanna Gissell-
dc.identifier.citationAray Arauz, J. D. y Reyes Vinces, J. G. (2022). College of Education Sciences, Tourism, Art and Humanities, Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl objetivo del presente trabajo investigativo es presentar la importancia y los beneficios de la educación bilingüe en la infancia para el óptimo desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas teniendo como problemática la falta de motivación en los estudiantes causando que su proceso de aprendizaje no sea satisfactorio, por ende, se buscaron estrategias educativas motivacionales para conseguir la atención y mantener el interés del estudiantado. Esta investigación se realizó a través de la metodología cualitativa haciendo uso de herramientas de fuentes documentales siendo estas únicamente de recopilaciones bibliográficas como lo fueron teorías de distintos autores de artículos, libros y sitios web.es
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research work is to present the importance and benefits of bilingual education in childhood for the optimal development of communication skills, having as a problem the lack of motivation in students, causing their learning process to be unsatisfactory, therefore it is They searched for motivational educational strategies to get the attention and maintain the interest of the students. This research was carried out through the qualitative methodology making use of tools from documentary sources, these being only bibliographic compilations such as theories of different authors of articles, books and websites. The results of this research showed that bilingual education from childhood allows the student to be able to communicate with other people around the world and that both the development of linguistic skills and the improvement of thinking skills are possible, as well as problem solving, improvement of concentration and attention, among others. Bilingual education from childhood plays a fundamental role in the formation of the school and personal life of the human being because in addition to learning a second language, acquiring vocabulary and language skills, these in question represent better future opportunities either in the workplace or its staff, thus generating highly communicative people.es
dc.titleCollege of Education Sciences, Tourism, Art and Humanities, Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages.es
Aparece en las colecciones: IDIOMAS NACIONALES Y EXTRANJEROS

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