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dc.contributor.authorMolina, Mario José-
dc.identifier.citationMolina, M. J. (2019). Propuesta de recuperación del espacio urbano de uso público de la vía principal del cantón Olmedo. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente trabajo de fin de carrera es de carácter integrador que inicia con la base fundamental de identificación de la problemática sus causas y efectos en el área delimitada, para desarrollar los siguientes capítulos, sobre el marco teórico referencial se aborda las principales características de temas relacionados a la problemática identificada, en base a los lineamientos básicos, los cambios en la estructura urbana física y medio natural, , la organización de las ciudades, los tipos de uso y ocupación del suelo, etc., del espacio geográfico de la zona de estudio.es
dc.description.abstractThis final project is of an integrative nature that begins with the base fundamental identification of the problem, its causes and effects in the area delimited, to develop the following chapters, on the theoretical framework referential, the main characteristics of topics related to the identified problem, based on the basic guidelines, the changes in the physical urban structure and natural environment, the organization of cities, the types of land use and occupation, etc., of the geographical space of the study area. Subsequently, the study area is delimited, to understand the phenomenon and its spatial and temporal patterns such as the study of land uses, topographies, roads, public transport mobility, etc., as a result the whole of the urban structure of the study area that has generated a disconnection between what natural and built, in disordered schemes, causing problems of connectivity and deficiency in its use within the urban context. The results obtained are represented graphically, for a better understanding of the order of the territory, management of the urban structure, and where Finally, the results meet the objective of the thesis work, generating guidelines, strategies and a proposal in order to satisfy and enhance the system environmental, economic and social taking advantage of existing resources.es
dc.subjectESTUDIO DE SUELOes
dc.titlePropuesta de recuperación del espacio urbano de uso público de la vía principal del cantón Olmedo.es
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