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dc.contributor.authorAndrade Marcillo, Jurgen Universy-
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación se llevó a cabo en el Casco urbano de la ciudad de Chone, en el cantón Chone. Esta localidad constituye un gran valor socioeconómico y cultural para la provincia Manabita y así mismo para todo el país. Por esa razón es conveniente involucrarnos en su historia arquitectónica que en la actualidad aún
dc.description.abstractThe present investigation was carried out in the urban area of ​​the city of Chone, in the Chone canton. This town constitutes a great socioeconomic value and cultural for the Manabita province and likewise for the entire country.For this reason it is convenient to get involved in its architectural history, which in today we still find. Five heritage houses are located in this city, the same ones as demonstrate evidence of degradation, because both the authorities respective as their owners have not given them sufficient value and interest for keeping them in good condition. The main objective of the research is to diagnose the physical state in the that these heritage properties were created in order to generate a series of guidelines with the purpose of preserving them and serving as a historical icon for the city. The proposal establishes the creation of guidelines for conservation of the built heritage of the urban area of ​​the city of Chone, with which hopes to keep the history of this community alive. A series of suggestions will also be made to improve the state of one of the buildings that, due to neglect, catastrophic events and the Over time it has deteriorated until reaching the state in which it is currently
dc.titlePropuesta de lineamientos para la conservación del patrimonio edificado del casco urbano de la ciudad de
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