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dc.contributor.authorBriones Mero, Luis Javier-
dc.identifier.citationBriones Mero, L. J. (2019). Plan de reforma interior para la recuperación del espacio público en el barrio el palmar de la parroquia urbana Los Esteros del cantón Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación abordará las problemáticas que puede causar competencia del comercio formal e informal, por la apropiación y el uso del espacio urbano. Mediante el estudio y análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo, se abordan las dinámicas sociales que marcan la competencia por el acceso al suelo. En concreto, se examinan las representaciones que otorgan sentido a las prácticas sociales de comerciantes informales y formales del barrio El Palmar emplazado en la zona periférica.es
dc.description.abstractThe present investigation will address the problems that can cause competition from formal and informal commerce, for the appropriation and use of space urban. Through qualitative and quantitative study and analysis, the social dynamics that mark competition for access to land. In Specifically, the representations that give meaning to the practices are examined. social networks of informal and formal merchants in the El Palmar neighborhood located in the peripheral zone. Therefore, we will also address the distribution of the different public spaces already implemented in the El Palmar neighborhood; his state, the their interconnection and the dynamics of social relations that arise.presented taking into account the diverse functions that have been taking place in area. Informal and formal traders, given the lack of control by the authorities and economic limitation, they have established a particular form of employment, exercising their activity in public spaces, which are occupied due to to the abandonment that they present with respect to their care and maintenance. He Informal commerce in the area represents an accessible economic activity, capable of providing the means of subsistence to those who carry it out, representing in the area a productive but disorderly anarchy. On the other hand, the formal merchant responds to other factors when it comes to appropriating public space such as, for example, lack of definition of regulations, little regulation, lack of control, lack of spaces in their premises, competition between merchants so they display their products on public roads, and a sense of belonging to public space. The study of the various realities will allow us to analyze how the Commerce has shaped the conditions of urban space, as they have been unlinked the different existing public spaces, and how the regulations, in In many cases, it is a response to the reality of human intervention in the city ​​for this type of uses, leaving planning in the background.es
dc.titlePlan de reforma interior para la recuperación del espacio público en el barrio el palmar de la parroquia urbana Los Esteros del cantón Manta.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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