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dc.contributor.authorAlcívar Intriago, Andrés Aladino-
dc.identifier.citationAlcívar Intriago, A. A. (2019). Regeneración vial de la avenida Velazco Ibarra del casco urbano del cantón Junín. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente documento plantea una iniciativa de desarrollo para la población del casco urbano del cantón Junín, donde se establece la posibilidad de analizar y determinar una alternativa de recuperación y restructuración del sistema vial de la estructura urbana.es
dc.description.abstractThis document proposes a development initiative for the population of the urban area of ​​the Junín canton, where the possibility of analyzing and determine an alternative for recovery and restructuring of the road system of the urban structure. Initially, the study area is demarcated, with the objective of understanding the identified problem, where the respective diagnosis is carried out to understand the phenomenon and its spatial and temporal patterns, such as the study of different components of the urban structure, resulting in connectivity and deficiency problems within the urban context. The results obtained are represented graphically, for a better understanding, where finally the results meet the objective of the work of thesis generating, guidelines, strategies with a proposal in order to satisfy and enhance the road, environmental, economic and social system by taking advantage of the resources existing in the study area.es
dc.subjectSISTEMA VIALes
dc.titleRegeneración vial de la avenida Velazco Ibarra del casco urbano del cantón Junín.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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