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dc.contributor.authorQuintero Chere, Frixon Elías-
dc.identifier.citationQuintero Chere, F. E. (2018). Propuesta urbana de caleta pesquera-malecón en las riberas y márgenes del río Rioverde en el sector Palestina del cantón Rioverde de la provincia de Esmeraldas. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLos asentamientos informales son un problema que se vive a menudo en varios sitios urbanos y rurales, que generan un desorden de habitabilidad precaria que desaprovechan los recursos naturales en sectores que tienen un alto potencial turístico, y siendo esto lo esencial para determinar que no se están tomando en cuentas las ventajas que brindan estos recursos naturales en los sectores.es
dc.description.abstractInformal settlements are a problem that is often experienced in several urban and rural sites, which generate a habitability disorder precarious situation that wastes natural resources in sectors that have a high tourism potential, and this being essential to determine that They are taking into account the advantages that these natural resources provide in the sectors. This being the case of the Palestine sector, it is an urban parish belonging to the cantonal capital of Rioverde in the province of Esmeraldas, where the present investigation was developed in a period between April to November 2018. The purpose of this investigation was to diagnose the disorder of informal habitation settlements that develop on the banks and margins of the Rioverde River in the Palestine sector, to then identify the existing problems on the site. After these processes, the following idea was proposed to defend: It is possible recover and improve informal settlements in vulnerable areas that generate poor quality of life for the population. The settlements Informal humans degrade people's quality of life, generating a series of effects that produce factors of urban segregation and social of the natural environment. To verify the idea, the calculation was carried out of population that determined 124 surveys as a sample and to be surveyed. The following methods were used throughout the research stage: Analytical, synthetic, historical, deductive and abstraction methods. What did they give? as a result of the conclusion of the research and development diagnosis of a proposal that would provide a solution to the problem.es
dc.titlePropuesta urbana de caleta pesquera-malecón en las riberas y márgenes del río Rioverde en el sector Palestina del cantón Rioverde de la provincia de Esmeraldas.es
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