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dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Vélez, José Manuel-
dc.identifier.citationRodríguez Vélez, J. M. (2018). Propuesta arquitectónica de parque lineal ecológico en las riberas y márgenes del río Portoviejo en el sitio Puerto Loor del cantón Rocafuerte. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl desorden en el uso del espacio es un problema que se vive a menudo en varios sitios rurales donde se desarrollen actividades humanas, y el desaprovechamiento de recursos naturales en sectores con un alto potencial turístico, es el complemento esencial para determinar que no se están tomando en cuenta las ventajas y los problemas que viven los sectores rurales.es
dc.description.abstractDisorder in the use of space is a problem that is often experienced in several rural sites where human activities take place, and the waste of natural resources in sectors with high potential tourism, is the essential complement to determine that they are not taking into account the advantages and problems experienced by the sectors rural. This being the case of the Puerto Loor spa, a rural commune belonging to the Rocafuerte canton of the province of Manabí, where developed this research in a period between July to November 2017. In order to diagnose the state of spatial disorder and the waste of natural features on the banks and margins of the Portoviejo River at the Puerto Loor site, the following types of research: Exploratory, Descriptive, Explanatory (not experimental), and Correlational. After these processes, the following idea was proposed to defend: The spatial disorder on the banks and margins of rivers or natural areas is a consequence of the inadequate occupation of rural territories, to To verify this idea, a population calculation was carried out that determined 197 inhabitants as a sample, and then survey them. In the research stage, the following methods were used: Analytical, synthetic, deductive, historical, and method of abstraction and Concretion. HE obtained the following results for each phase of study of the research: Conclusion of the reference framework, completion of the diagnosis of the problematic situation and development of a proposal that would provide a solution to the problem.es
dc.titlePropuesta arquitectónica de parque lineal ecológico en las riberas y márgenes del río Portoviejo en el sitio Puerto Loor del cantón Rocafuerte.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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