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Título : Estudio distintivo del disconfort térmico en viviendas rurales de la provincia de Manabí cantón Portoviejo (parroquias Colón y San Plácido) a partir de sus tipologías constructivas y factores exógenos.
Autor : Melgar Veliz, Cristhian Javier
Palabras clave : VIVIENDAS RURALES
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Citación : Melgar Veliz, C. J. (2017). Estudio distintivo del disconfort térmico en viviendas rurales de la provincia de Manabí cantón Portoviejo (parroquias Colón y San Plácido) a partir de sus tipologías constructivas y factores exógenos. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ARQ;0280
Resumen : Before reaching the outcome of the research, the project is conceived thanks to the inspiration in the vernacular housing of the province of Manabí, especially those of the three spaces, known for its empirical spatial design and shape of the inhabitants from the countryside of Manabi, which has been an attractive point of many investigations, the same ones that inspire and promote to continue analyzing the behavior of these constructions in the different areas of Manabi environment. According to Arch. María Blender (MARZO, 2015) Thermal comfort is the sensation that expresses the satisfaction of users of buildings or homes with the thermal environment, therefore, it is subjective and depends on several factors. The human body "burns" food and generates waste heat, similar to any machine. To maintain its interior at a temperature of 37 ° C, it has to dissipate the heat and does so by means of conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation. As the ambient temperature approaches body temperature, the body can no longer transmit heat due to the lack of a thermal gradient and evaporation remains the only form of cooling. The internal behavior allows the comfort of the inhabitants inside the construction. Over the years, this type of housing has been subject to several positive reviews regarding the comfort effect within its spaces, which has been of interest to analyze according to the seasons of the year and to evidence what is not supported by physical bibliography or digital. The distinctive study is based on a monthly test of indoor and outdoor temperatures of the rural dwellings of the Province of Manabí in the canton of Portoviejo, implanted in different environments and topographies within their rural parishes such as the Colon and San Placido parishes, achieving results of the behavior of the internal climatic comfort. The analysis starts from January 2017 and ends in December of the same year, based on the climatic seasons of Ecuador. The table has as model three types of housing represented by: As a first typology we have the building located in the Colon sector Colon - Quimis in the limits of the canton Portoviejo and Jipijapa, it is made up of materials such as brick on the edge of the walls, and reinforced concrete for the structure, covered with zinc with wood support for the same, this typology has the architectural concept of the rural housing of the three spaces and enters the distinctive picture that arises in the investigation, the environment is delimited by the mountains, since it is located in the top of one, in this sector the ventilation is continuous and the vegetation is abundant, covered by fruit trees and medicinal plants. The second typology is found in the parish of Colon, inside the Maconta sector, it is made up of materials such as the round cane for the walls and wood for the structure and it is elevated on stilts with a zinc roof, a characteristic type of housing. the three spaces modified over the years for reasons of durability, such as the Cade by Zinc for the roof. The environment is surrounded by vegetation with plants, fruit trees far from the city, next to a rural road that connects indirectly with the Santa Ana´s road. This building is located in parish San Placido a rural area of the canton of Portoviejo, where the environment is varied, next to the main road San Placido Pichincha is located, unlike the others this type is close to guaduales and housing and its land it is totally surrounded by vegetation covered by fruit trees and ornamental plants. Starting from these three behaviors within the Manabi context, statistical tables will be generated, which will allow us to know which home has better climate comfort based on the location and its materiality, those dwellings that do not meet the minimum interior comfort required for a healthy life will be subjected to an analysis of possible influential factors with internal comfort that can provide guidance for future solutions.
Descripción : Antes de llegar al desenlace de la investigación, el proyecto está concebido gracias a la inspiración en las viviendas vernáculas de la provincia de Manabí, en especial a las de los tres espacios, conocida así por su forma y diseño espacial empírico de los habitantes en la campiña manabita, el cual ha sido punto atractivo de muchas investigaciones, las mismas, que inspiran y promueven a seguir analizando el comportamiento de estas construcciones en diferentes espacios del entorno.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5354
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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