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Título : Revitalización de los espacios públicos recreativos y comunitarios con una propuesta integradora en el barrio honduras del cantón Jaramijó.
Autor : Mero Mero, Juan Lehder
Palabras clave : INTEGRACIÓN
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Citación : Mero Mero, J. L. (2018). Revitalización de los espacios públicos recreativos y comunitarios con una propuesta integradora en el barrio honduras del cantón Jaramijó. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ARQ;0286
Resumen : The deterioration of public spaces is a problem that is often experienced within urban areas where human activities take place, and the neglect of these spaces by users and administrative entities of cities exacerbate a problem that is reflected in the unrest of the residents and all those people who use these spaces. The case study takes place in the Honduras neighborhood belonging to the Jaramijó canton, a sector that is part of the urban capital where developed the study in a period from December 2017 until April 2018. In order to diagnose the state of deterioration of public spaces recreational, the following types of research were developed: exploratory, descriptive, explanatory (non-experimental) and correlating. After this process, the following idea was proposed to defend: the deterioration of recreational and community spaces in the Honduras neighborhood of the canton Jaramijó is a consequence of inadequate management of public spaces, To verify this idea, a calculation was carried out that determined 260 inhabitants as a sample, and then survey them. In the research stage the following methods were used: analytical, inductive, descriptive and abstraction, the following were obtained results for each phase of the research study: conclusion of the framework, reference, concretion of the diagnosis of the proemic situation and development of a proposal that would provide a solution to the problem.
Descripción : El deterioro de los espacios públicos es un problema que se vive a menudo dentro de las zonas urbanas donde se desarrollan actividades humanas, y el descuido de estos espacios por parte de los usuarios y entes administradores de las ciudades agudizan una problemática que se ve reflejada en el malestar de los moradores y de todo aquellas personas que utilizan estos espacios.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5360
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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