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Título : Los costos de producción y su incidencia en la situación económica de una purificadora de agua. Caso CRISTALINE WATER la ciudad de Manta.
Autor : García Alcívar, Yuny Mariela
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Citación : García Alcívar, Y. M. (2019). Los costos de producción y su incidencia en la situación económica de una purificadora de agua. Caso CRISTALINE WATER la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-CT.AUD;0148
Resumen : In this research work prior to obtaining the title of Accounting and Audit Engineer, called "Production costs and their impact on the economic situation of a water purifier. Case "WATER PURIFIER CRISTALINE WATER" of the city of Manta. "The main objective is the application of costing tools that ensure an effective application of the cost elements for each batch produced. The water purifier has not developed a strategic planning, which allows it to know if its prices are appropriate and are in agreement with the market competition. So that the allocation of costs is based on cost elements and applied the analytical -synthetic and descriptive methods that are those that allow identifying, determining and establishing the essential points that determined the problem that exists within the company by not counting with a system of costs per processes. Likewise, techniques such as observation, interview andsurvey were applied, which were extremely important because they helped to obtain data and information that helped to determine the proposal of this research, the same as in the application of a system of costs by processes, which provides tools for the company to determine its production cost, to improve its profitability. The company with the implementation of a costing system, can benefit from timely and real information, in such a way that costs can be reduced, optimizing resources in their processes and thus increase their profits.
Descripción : En el presente trabajo de investigación previo a la obtención del título de Ingeniera en Contabilidad y Auditoría, denominado Los costos de producción y su incidencia en la A . Se plantea como objetivo principal la aplicación de herramientas de costeo que aseguren una aplicación efectiva de los elementos del costo para cada lote producido.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5372
Aparece en las colecciones: CONTABILIDAD Y AUDITORÍA

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