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dc.contributor.authorBailón Barreiro, Jaime Fernando-
dc.identifier.citationBailón Barreiro, J. F. (2019). Plan de negocios para la creación de una cafetería- librería en la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionDentro del Capítulo 1, se establece los objetivos que estará en funcionamiento para la operación e investigación, sobre la viabilidad para la creación de una cafetería librería en la ciudad de Manta. Así mismo, la elaboración de un análisis en base a la herramienta FODA para corroborar los puntos fuertes y débiles, la elaboración de estrategias para fomentar la lectura en las personas de la ciudad de Manta. Es oportuno mencionar los aspectos legales en lo que regirá el establecimiento para el uso correcto en el funcionamiento.es
dc.description.abstractWithin Chapter 1, the objectives that will be in operation for the operation and research, on the feasibility of creating a bookstore cafeteria in the city of Manta. Likewise, the preparation of an analysis based on the tool SWOT to corroborate the strengths and weaknesses, the development of strategies to promote reading among the people of the city of Manta. It is appropriate to mention the legal aspects in what will govern the establishment for correct use in the operation. In Chapter 2, the necessary information is collected, based on surveys and research in primary and secondary sources. From which it can be seen that the The city of Manta has an economically active population of 113,464 people according to the 2010 census. On the other hand, the client portfolio is identified as: people intellectuals ranging from 18 to 40 years of age, a middle-middle socioeconomic class high. He establishment will be located in the street 19 and Av. Pier, he which will count with a target market of 4.7% resulting in 731 people, likewise, projects monthly sales of 5,702 units among main products such as are the different types of coffee such as espresso, capucchino, latte and Americano, books, Among the substitute products you will obtain orange juices, whiskey shots and sandwiches, which will represent a monthly income of 12,246.es
dc.titlePlan de negocios para la creación de una cafetería- librería en la ciudad de Manta.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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