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Título : El Machismo y su Incidencia en la Formación Profesional de las Mujeres Estudiantes de la Facultad de Ingeniería Industria y Arquitectura, Año 2024.
Autor : Alarcón Sornoza, Melanie Pilar
Palabras clave : ESTEREOTIPOS
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Alarcón Sornoza, M. P. (2024). El Machismo y su Incidencia en la Formación Profesional de las Mujeres Estudiantes de la Facultad de Ingeniería Industria y Arquitectura, Año 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-TS;0096
Resumen : This research project comprehensively and empathetically addresses the impact of sexism on the professional training of female students in the Faculty of Engineering, Industry and Architecture. The main objective of the study is to identify how gender dynamics affect women's academic and professional opportunities in traditionally male-dominated fields. This project not only seeks to generate relevant academic knowledge, but also to promote positive and sustainable changes within the faculty, thus contributing to the creation of fairer and more accessible opportunities for all people, regardless of their gender. The methodology was qualitative in approach, because data was collected based on the perceptions and personal experiences of key informants, using the interview technique, applied to male and female students of the Faculty of Engineering, Industry and Architecture. As part of the results it was possible to know that there are gender barriers within the educational context such as stereotypes, the need for validation and the limitation of the development of skills in academic training. Among the consequences of this, it is known that women in the unit of analysis tend to see their self-esteem and self-perception affected, influencing their academic performance and achievements. Likewise, it is known that within the context analyzed, the main strategy is the implementation of gender equity policies, although they have little scope due to their scarce promotion among the student population. In this sense, it is concluded that gender dynamics have a special implication in the personal and professional development of women, due to the perpetuation of stereotypes that are transferred to the academic context of careers predominantly exercised by men.
Descripción : Este proyecto de investigación aborda de manera integral y empática el impacto del machismo en la formación profesional de las mujeres estudiantes en la Facultad de Ingeniería, Industria y Arquitectura. El estudio tiene como objetivo principal identificar cómo las dinámicas de género afectan las oportunidades académicas y profesionales de las mujeres en campos tradicionalmente dominados por hombres. Este proyecto no solo busca generar conocimiento académico relevante, sino también impulsar cambios positivos y sostenibles dentro de la facultad, contribuyendo así a la creación de oportunidades más justas y accesibles para todas las personas, sin importar su género.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5500
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