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Título : La Violencia Intrafamiliar y su Incidencia en el Desarrollo Académico de los Estudiantes de la ULEAM, año 2024.
Autor : Delgado Zambrano, Julissa Mercedes
Flores Villavicencio, Jacqueline Elizabeth
Palabras clave : ESTUDIANTES
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Delgado Zambrano, J. M. y Flores Villavicencio, J. E. (2024). La Violencia Intrafamiliar y su Incidencia en el Desarrollo Académico de los Estudiantes de la ULEAM, año 2024. (Proyecto de investigación). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-TS;0105
Resumen : This research is quantitative, it aims to determine the incidence of Domestic Violence in the Academic Development of ULEAM Students in the year 2024, this study was descriptive and exploratory, because it sought to obtain an initial understanding of a problem or phenomenon, without the intention of providing definitive answers and seeks to understand the problem in depth; The methods used in this study were: deductive method, bibliographic or documentary information was collected in a general way and the most relevant or related information was selected for this study; also, the statistical method was used, since all the data obtained from the sample was collected, interpreted and verified, and finally the inductive method, which was applied in the statement of the problem, argumentation, analysis of results, causes or consequences of this research, in this way through this method more pertinent knowledge of the problem was obtained; the survey technique was used with a questionnaire of 14 closed and multiple-choice questions duly structured, to a sample of 381 students, from the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí. The results showed that students who have low academic performance are due to domestic violence, triggering different consequences in young people who are affected by this problem. Finally, among the conclusions that were raised are: it was possible to determine that domestic violence does affect the academic development of students. In addition, students who come from homes with domestic violence have greater difficulties in their academic performance due to the emotional and psychological burden they must face. And, finally, the importance of deepening the issue of domestic violence in the university environment was identified.
Descripción : Esta investigación es de tipo cuantitativo, tiene como objetivo determinar la incidencia de La Violencia Intrafamiliar en el Desarrollo Académico de los Estudiantes de la ULEAM en el año 2024, este estudio fue descriptivo y exploratorio, porque se buscó obtener una comprensión inicial de un problema o fenómeno, sin la intención de proporcionar respuestas definitivas y se buscó comprender la problemática; los métodos utilizados en este estudio fueron: método deductivo, se recopiló información bibliográfica o documental de manera general y se seleccionó la información más relevante o relacionada con este estudio.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5509
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