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Título : Las Conductas de Riesgo Vinculadas al Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de la Uleam año 2024.
Autor : Pilligua Castro, Victoria Elizabeth
Palabras clave : CONSUMO
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Pilligua Castro, V. E. (2024). Las Conductas de Riesgo Vinculadas al Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de la Uleam año 2024. (Proyecto de investigación). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-TS;0122
Resumen : Risk behaviors linked to drug consumption in Uleam students are considered a multifactorial problem, in addition to the desire and inclination of the consumer, therefore, keeping in mind the importance of this issue, this study related to drugs is carried out. and its impact on risk behaviors. In the present study it is concluded that, according to the results analyzed, risk behaviors linked to drug consumption are directly related to the lack of social skills, decision making and communication. The main factors involved are family problems, self-esteem and self-concept problems, group pressure and age-related feeling of belonging. For the respective information gathering, quantitative research was used, in addition to the descriptive research and the bibliographic method, from the calculation of the sample, 325 ULEAM students from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Law and Welfare were obtained, who were the survey instrument was administered to them. Therefore, with the help of the results obtained, it was established that there are factors that decisively influence the initiation and repeated consumption of drugs, likewise, use by a parent or an adult is defined as risk factors, if the young person has little supervision and if there is a family history of antisocial behavior, family factors, physical or psychological abuse and low expectations about personal development.
Descripción : Las conductas de riesgo vinculadas al consumo de drogas en estudiantes de la Uleam, son consideradas un problema multifactorial, además del deseo e inclinación del consumidor, por lo tanto, teniendo presente la importancia de este tema, se realiza el presente estudio relacionado a las drogas y su incidencia en las conductas de riesgo, por lo que las conductas de riesgo vinculadas al consumo de drogas se relacionan directamente con el ámbito familiar, factores de riesgo económico, por lo que el consumo es un problema que ha aumentado en gran medida durante la última década, además de que los principales factores implicados son: problemas familiares, problemas de autoestima y autoconcepto, presión de grupo y sentimiento de pertenencia relacionado con la edad.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5526
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