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Título : Los Modelos de Intervención Social y su Incidencia en la Práctica Profesional del Trabajador Social graduado en la ULEAM, años 2023-2024.
Autor : Zambrano Arteaga, Kelly Rossana
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Zambrano Arteaga, K. R. (2024). Los Modelos de Intervención Social y su Incidencia en la Práctica Profesional del Trabajador Social graduado en la ULEAM, años 2023-2024. (Proyecto de investigación). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-TS;0129
Resumen : The present research focuses on Social Intervention Models and their Impact on the Professional Practice of the Social Worker graduated at ULEAM, years 2023-2024. This aspect is important to understand how these models influence the work practice of professionals. Among the objectives, it was taken into account to determine the incidence of the Social Intervention Models in the Professional Practice of the Social Worker graduated at Uleam; to identify which are the most used Social Intervention Models and how often they are applied. The quantitative approach was chosen, which allowed obtaining results that allow quantifying the data to achieve the proposed objectives. In addition, an exploratory and descriptive research approach was employed, using methods such as deductive and inductive for an exhaustive analysis of the object of study. A population of 283 Social Workers was considered. The results show that most of the professionals excel in the areas of education and health, using mainly the case management and systemic models. Although most have good theoretical knowledge, they face challenges such as lack of interdisciplinary teamwork. Despite this, they value positively the effectiveness of the intervention models, highlighting the importance of adequate training to optimize their professional practice. Among the conclusions, the most commonly used social intervention models and their frequency of use were identified. However, although their application varies according to the needs and the specific situation, they are considered essential to effectively address social problems.
Descripción : La presente investigación se enfoca en Los Modelos de Intervención Social y su Incidencia en la Práctica Profesional del Trabajador Social graduado en la ULEAM, años 2023-2024. Este aspecto es importante para comprender cómo influyen estos modelos en la práctica laboral de los profesionales. Entre los objetivos se tomó en cuenta determinar la incidencia de los Modelos de Intervención Social en la Práctica Profesional del Trabajador Social graduado en la Uleam; Identificar cuáles son los Modelos de Intervención Social más utilizados y con qué frecuencia se aplican.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5533
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJO SOCIAL

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