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Título : La pesca industrial del cantón Manta y su relación con las actividades del comercio justo.
Autor : Intriago Lugo, Jeniffer Valentina
Palabras clave : COMERCIO JUSTO
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Intriago Lugo, J. V. (2024). La pesca industrial del cantón Manta y su relación con las actividades del comercio justo. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ECO;0051
Resumen : Based on descriptive research and complemented by a field study through the perception of managers and directors of the industrial fishing sector, it is determined that, in Manta, the geographical location, the weather conditions and the development of infrastructure are aspects that facilitate. The development of fishing activity, which is characterized by the capture and processing of a wide variety of marine species, such as tuna, dorado, shrimp and other species of high commercial value. Companies rooted in the industrial fishing sector such as Conservas Isabel, Fishcorpe Inepapa, Seafman generate economic dynamism and sources of employment in the territory. Within fishing companies, fair trade is a concept that has recently begun to prevail and faces challenges such as training and empowering the fishing sector on the importance of the sustainability of marine resources, the need to apply greater technological resources that strengthen production, recognize the importance of environmental care, adequate working conditions and decent wages.It is important to implement various public policy mechanisms and create official regulations regarding the regulation and development of fair trade at the country level in order to produce growth within productive activities such as industrial fishing. It is highlighted that the topic is derived from the ULEAM institutional research project, a model for training skills associated with the fair trade system for sustainable economic development in artisanal fishermen in the rural area of the Manta canton.
Descripción : Teniendo como base una investigación descriptiva y complementada por medio de un estudio de campo a través de la percepción de gerentes y directores del sector pesquero industrial se determina que, en Manta la ubicación geográfica, las condiciones climatológicas y el desarrollo de infraestructura son aspectos que facilitan el desarrollo de la actividad pesquera, misma que se caracteriza por la captura y procesamiento de una amplia variedad de especies marinas, como atún, dorado, camarón y otras especies de alto valor comercial.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5558
Aparece en las colecciones: ECONOMÍA

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