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dc.contributor.authorCedeño Chávez, Erick Andrés-
dc.identifier.citationCedeño Chávez, E. A. (2024). Lo háptico-visual y su relación sensorial con lo robótico - interactivo. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl objeto de investigación del presente proyecto es lo hápttco - visual, vinculado con lo robático - interactivo, puesto que se ha detectado la problemática de que no existe eme de este tipo en la ciudad, y es poco el interés en lo sensorial: Este problema se da ya que el arte no ha recibido el espacio que se merece, y: son personas las que se dedican a esta actividad, además quienes se interesan por este trabajo lo hacen solo en lo tradicional, por más conocido y de este modo, rentable.es
dc.description.abstractThe objecto/ research of this project is the haptic - visual, linked to the robotic - tnteracüve, - since the problem has been detected thatthere is no art ofthis type in the city, and there is little interest in the sensory. This problem arises ·because art has not received the space it deserves, and there are few people who dedicate .. themselves to this activity, and those who are interested in this work do so only in the traditional, because it 'ts something better known and, in this way, profitable. · The study seeks · ta show the relationship that can be generated between the sensory and the technological, focused on the cityof Manta - 2023. For this reason, different specific objectives have been set: To define, the connection and its relationshtp with automation for the Civic . Plaza, Manta, 2023:-24. To establisñ the exploration and its injluence . on , the · ; work-spectator, · relationship for the Civic Plaza, Manta, 2023-24. Determine the spatiality ·· and its relationship wttb. communtcation for the Civic Plaza, Manta, 2023-24. From whtch a general objective is obtained: o Determine the haptic-visual and its sensory relationship witñ the robotic-interactive far· the Civic Plaza, Manta, 2023-24. Wiih the approach of this project we seek to achieve results that promote a more current type of art in the 'ouy (foousing the development of the proposal in· the Ctvic Plaza) through research and demonstrating how the influence of technology can enhance the artisttc-sensory.es
dc.subjectARTE SENSORIALes
dc.subjectARTE ROBÓTICAes
dc.titleLo háptico-visual y su relación sensorial con lo robótico - interactivo.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ARTES PLÁSTICAS

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