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Title: Manejo terapéutico de la lesión de furca grado II en molares en el maxilar superior y maxilar inferior, en la terapia periodontal.
Authors: Villavicencio Cevallos, Adán Gabriel
Keywords: FURCA
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Villavicencio Cevallos, A. G. (2024). Manejo terapéutico de la lesión de furca grado II en molares en el maxilar superior y maxilar inferior, en la terapia periodontal. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ODON;0124
Abstract: The decision about a specific treatment modality in furcation lesions associated with periodontitis depends on several factors: age of the patient, systemic conditions, form of expression of periodontal disease, affected tooth, degree of furcation involvement and role of the involved tooth in the treatment plan. Objective: To describe the therapeutic management of grade II furcation lesion in molars in the upper and lower jaw in periodontal therapy. Methods: This research has a systematic review design. This research includes clear and structured summaries of the information about the therapeutic management of grade II furcation lesion in molars in the upper and lower jaw, in periodontal therapy. Results: 23 articles were taken into account, 14 of which were used to make a narrative table that summarizes the information of the articles and helps to understand them, showing the classification of furcation, anatomical characteristics, causal factors, maintenance measures. Conclusions: The therapeutic management of grade II furcation lesions in maxillary and mandibular molars in periodontal therapy requires a multidisciplinary and personalized approach. Through a combination of accurate diagnostics, advanced non-surgical and surgical treatment, and a rigorous maintenance protocol, it is possible to significantly improve clinical outcomes and periodontal health of patients. Continued research and patient education will remain fundamental pillars for the advancement in the treatment of these complex periodontal lesions.
Description: La decisión acerca de una modalidad de tratamiento específico en lesiones de furcación asociadas a periodontitis depende de varios factores: edad del paciente, condiciones sistémicas, forma de expresión de la enfermedad periodontal, diente afectado, grado de afectación de la furca y papel del diente implicado en el plan de tratamiento.
Appears in Collections:ODONTOLOGÍA

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