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Título : Logística EXPORT - IMPORT. & materias primas La Fabril S.A” como un modelo de éxito.
Autor : Espinales Majojo, Nataly Yelitza
Palabras clave : ÉXITO EMPRESARIAL
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Citación : Espinales Majojo, N. Y. (2022). Logística EXPORT - IMPORT. & materias primas La Fabril S.A” como un modelo de éxito. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0271
Resumen : Companies or organizations are a very important factor in the national and international economy, as they drive the growth of the economy. This project aims to show how ethics and values become an important part for the growth of a company. For this, a methodology with a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach was used, using a type of field research, as well as instruments, the survey and the interview were applied to a population and sample of 31 workers in the “Export - Import Logistics área. & Raw materials La Fabril SA”. The results indicated that La Fabril has shown that by implementing this code they face fewer risks of fines, a better relationship between employees, and a good work environment. It is concluded that the adoption of good ethical behavior will increase competitiveness, business sales, profits, customer retention and loyalty, and investments.
Descripción : Las empresas u organizaciones son un factor muy importante en la economía nacional e internacional, ya impulsan el crecimiento de la economía. En este proyecto se pretende mostrar como la ética y los valores se convierten en parte importante para el crecimiento de una empresa.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5972
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