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Título : Estudio de factores determinantes en los márgenes de ganancia por comercialización de arroz en el Cantón Rocafuerte.
Autor : Franco Zambrano, Ricci Romelia
Palabras clave : AGRICULTURA
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Citación : Franco Zambrano, R. R. (2022). Estudio de factores determinantes en los márgenes de ganancia por comercialización de arroz en el Cantón Rocafuerte. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0278
Resumen : The production and commercialization of rice is a topic of interest at the national level as it is one of the most consumed grasses, in addition to the constant strikes of the rice sector as their profits are affected by various factors. The purpose of this research project is to analyze the determining factors in the profit margins for the commercialization of rice in the Rocafuerte canton. For this purpose, a methodology with a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach was used, a descriptive type of research, using the synthetic analytical method, through instruments such as the survey and the interview, to a population and sample of 55 rice producers of the locality and two representatives of the rice sector. The results indicated that the situation of the producers is complex because the low prices do not allow them to obtain a profit that favors their growth. The obstacles or factors that affect prices and profit margins are: smuggling from Peru, problems of demand and supply, high costs of agricultural inputs and unregulated intermediation. It is concluded that the rice sector in the Rocafuerte canton is characterized by the primacy of labor over technology, with irrigation and rainfed systems, production of 1 to 3 hectares and mostly own land, with a preference for long grain; the factors that affect the price and profits for marketing of this were also reviewed, evidencing the poor training, insufficient suppliers of agricultural inputs, intermediaries who do not respect the official prices, high values of inputs that increase the total cost of production.
Descripción : La producción y comercialización de arroz es un tema de interés a nivel nacional al ser una de las gramíneas de mayor consumo, además de las constantes huelgas del sector arrocero al ver afectadas sus ganancias por diversos factores.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5982
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