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Título : In novation in teacidng social sciences in english classes.
Autor : Macías Cabrera, Dodie Farid
Carreño Zambrano, Dana Jazmín
Palabras clave : INNOVATION
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Macías Cabrera, D. F. y Carreño Zambrano, D. J. (2024). In novation in teacidng social sciences in english classes. (Artículo Científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-IDI-NYE;034
Resumen : The integration of English language teaching on Social Studies lessons in Manta, Ecuador is the topic that has arisen for this study, and it emphasizes the call for bilingual education among a monolingual community. This approach is important because it addresses two areas, language learning and social sciences that are often seen in a siloed way in the teaching process. lts main purpose is to test the effectiveness of new teaching approaches based on technology integration in a way that promotes learning for English learners of both language and content. A mixed-methods approach was employed, involving 22 eighth-grade students and their Social Science teacher. An observation checklist, a speaking rubric every three sessions, and a survey measuring participants' perceptions regarding the innovative methods of teaching were used to collect data. Key findings showed that beyond the half percentage of students were observed to perform better in fluency, comprehension, and organization of ideas in English as evidenced by a rise in the speaking seores by 1.00 or more. The majority of students successfully moved past their initial apprehension regarding using the language and actively engaged in class discussions, showcasing heightened enthusiasm and involvement from the students. This study highlights the crucial importance of incorporating technology and innovative pedagogical methodologies to enhance student bilingualism and academic involvement. The linkage between language acquisition and subject instruction, as identified in the findings, provides significant contributions to forthcoming research on bilingual educational procedures and the integration of innovative resources within learning settings.
Descripción : La integración de la enseñanza del idioma inglés en las clases de Estudios Sociales en Manta, Ecuador es el tema que ha surgido para este estudio, y en él se enfatiza el llamado a Educación bilingüe en una comunidad monolingüe. Este enfoque es importante porque aborda dos áreas, el aprendizaje de idiomas y las ciencias sociales que son A menudo se ve de forma aislada en el proceso de enseñanza.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6063
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