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Título : Servicio social educativo en la escuela de EGB “los sauces”.
Autor : Cedeño Conforme, Kimberly Annabel
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Cedeño Conforme, K. A. (2024). Servicio social educativo en la escuela de EGB “los sauces”. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-PAFD;006
Resumen : School social service is defined as a set of professional activities that encourages higher-level students to raise awareness of the reality in which they live, allowing communities the benefit of carrying out various activities (Torres, Ramos, & Villegas, 2023). These activities have a significant social impact, helping students improve their academic and professional training by putting into practice values, ethics, inclusion and concern for the environment. This allows them to address real-world challenges and develop skills to understand social demands and improve the well-being of communities in need (Rodríguez Guerrero, Hernández Ortega, & Espinoza Elizondo, 2023). According to Global University Network for Innovation (2008) cited by (Amaya et. al. 2017), social service becomes a way for students to apply the knowledge acquired during their academic training to specific problems. Additionally, social service initiatives are mandatory unpaid activities that students must complete as a requirement to obtain the academic degree. In some cases, higher education institutions seek to promote solidarity student activities to address local needs, improving the quality of learning and promoting responsible citizen participation.
Descripción : El servicio social escolar se define como un conjunto de actividades profesionales que incentiva en los estudiantes de nivel superior concienciar en la realidad en que viven, permitiendo a las comunidades el beneficio de que realicen diversas actividades (Torres, Ramos, & Villegas, 2023). Estas actividades tienen un impacto social significativo, ayudando a los estudiantes a mejorar su formación académica y profesional al poner en práctica los valores, ética, inclusión y preocupación por el medio ambiente
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6203

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