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dc.contributor.authorAlcivar Anchundia, Mathiuss Javier-
dc.contributor.authorCorral Abril, Jean Carlos-
dc.identifier.citationAlcivar Anchundia, M. J. y Corral Abril, J. C. (2022). La informática educativa y desarrollo del hábito lector en los estudiantes de la U.E. El Carmen. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl desarrollo del hábito lector es fundamental para la creación de habilidades esenciales para el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, por lo que es necesaria la implementación de estrategias innovadoras que utilicen como medio la informática educativa; de tal modo que se generen espacios en los que dichas estrategias se puedan desarrollar de forma integral.es
dc.description.abstractThe use of reading competencies is essential for bringing about elementary skills in student learning, thus the implementation of innovative strategies used for educational computing as a means is necessary. Thereby, it brought out places where these strategies can be implemented totally. From this approach as a base, the study objective was to discover the importance of educational computing in the reading habits' development in 10th-grade students at the “El Carmen” School, in the 2024-2025 year. The methodology was based on the interpretive paradigm with a qualitative approach and exploratory-descriptive field design. In the recollection of the information, the interview was used as a technique and its validation was carried out through expert judgments. The population of the study was the teachers and students of the 10th grade of the indicated institution. The results showed that computing education was used in many processes of teaching students, those were supported in the role of solving tasks and another more active role of reading activity. In conclusion, many technological tools students use when doing their tasks are focused on facilitating the information search processes. In most cases, people had an established reading habit developed through physical books, although they already had migrated to digital books.es
dc.subjectHÁBITO LECTORes
dc.titleLa informática educativa y desarrollo del hábito lector en los estudiantes de la U.E. El Carmen.es
Aparece en las colecciones: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA

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