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dc.contributor.authorPonce Pita, Sayomara Nicole-
dc.contributor.authorVera Bazurto, Adriana Elizabeth-
dc.identifier.citationPonce Pita, S. N. y Vera Bazurto, A. E. (2024). Dislexia en el desarrollo de competencias curriculares en la asignatura de lengua y literatura en la U.E. Manuel Espinales Santana. (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEste trabajo de investigación se centra en la dislexia en el desarrollo de competencias curriculares en la asignatura de lengua y literatura en la U.E. Manuel Espinales Santana. El objetivo principal fue relacionar la dislexia con el desarrollo de competencias curriculares con el fin de identificar estrategias didácticas para apoyar el aprendizaje de estos estudiantes y promover su éxito académico en la asignatura de lengua y literatura en la UE Manuel Espinales Santana.es
dc.description.abstractThis research work focuses on dyslexia in the development of curricular skills in the subject of language and literature in the U.E. Manuel Espinales Santana. The main objective was to relate dyslexia with the development of curricular competencies in order to identify teaching strategies to support the learning of these students and promote their academic success in the subject of language and literature at the UE Manuel Espinales Santana. The research is quantitative in nature with a descriptive level, using techniques and instruments that led us to achieve the objectives set in the research. The results were obtained through a literacy test and an observation sheet applied to students in the 7th year of basic education, and a survey of teachers, which showed that 80% of educators claim to have had students in their professional career. with dyslexia, for which they used didactic strategies in teaching literacy such as: playing writing and recognition games, promoting an inclusive and supportive learning environment, using spelling games and activities, and for teachers to receive specific training for teaching students. with dyslexia. It is concluded that teachers are correctly applying their strategies for the development of curricular competencies in language and literature. For this reason, recommendations are offered for pedagogues in order to improve the teaching and learning of reading and writing.es
dc.titleDislexia en el desarrollo de competencias curriculares en la asignatura de lengua y literatura en la U.E. Manuel Espinales Santana.es
Aparece en las colecciones: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA

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