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dc.contributor.authorMesías Tuarez, Ramona Alexandra-
dc.contributor.authorVillarreal Zambrano, Melanie Lisbeth-
dc.identifier.citationMesías Tuarez, R. A. y Villarreal Zambrano, M. L. (2024). Motivación a la lectura para mejorar el aprendizaje de quinto grado en la Unidad Educativa Luis Aveiga Barberán. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa motivación hacia la lectura es crucial para el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de quinto grado en la Unidad Educativa Luis Aveiga Barberán. Este estudio descriptivo analizó cómo la motivación en la lectura impacta la comprensión lectora, el vocabulario y el pensamiento crítico, considerando factores como la disponibilidad de libros, las actitudes de los docentes y las prácticas de promoción de la lectura.es
dc.description.abstractMotivation towards reading is crucial for the learning of fifth-grade students at Unidad Educativa Luis Aveiga Barberán. This descriptive study analyzed how reading motivation impacts reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking, considering factors such as the availability of books, teachers' attitudes, and reading promotion practices. Previous research, such as Pulido (2020) and Tarrillo (2019), demonstrated a positive relationship between motivation towards reading and reading comprehension, as well as the development of reading habits. Delgado et al. (2020) and Santamaría and Vega (2022) highlighted gender differences in reading motivation and the influence of teaching strategies. The research revealed an alarmingly low motivation for reading among students, with 95% of them reading none or only one or two books per month. This lack of interest and motivation can negatively affect their academic learning. The study emphasized the urgent need to develop effective strategies to spark interest in reading, proposing specific objectives to improve reading motivation through the availability of books, positive teacher attitudes, and adequate promotion practices. The methodology used was descriptive and quantitative, collecting data through surveys and analyzing them with descriptive statistical techniques. The findings suggest specific strategies to improve reading motivation, aiming to transform the educational environment, foster the development of reading skills, and create a positive impact on students' lives.es
dc.subjectHÁBITO LECTORes
dc.titleMotivación a la lectura para mejorar el aprendizaje de quinto grado en la Unidad Educativa Luis Aveiga Barberán.es
Aparece en las colecciones: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA

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