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dc.contributor.authorRobles Quiroz, Angy Michell-
dc.contributor.authorBenavides Mendoza, Biutty Lisseth-
dc.identifier.citationRobles Quiroz, A. M. y Benavides Mendoza, B. L. (2024). Nuevas tecnologías asociadas a la terapia ocupacional en el ámbito laboral. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa falta de estrategias efectivas para prevenir riesgos, enfermedades y lesiones relacionadas con el trabajo representa un grave problema de salud ocupacional que plantea un desafío crítico para las empresas, ya que puede resultar en un entorno laboral inseguro, un aumento en la frecuencia de accidentes y enfermedades profesionales, generando un impacto negativo en la productividad y rentabilidad.es
dc.description.abstractThe lack of effective strategies to prevent work-related risks, illnesses and injuries represents a serious occupational health problem that poses a critical challenge for companies, as it can result in an unsafe work environment, an increase in the frequency of accidents and occupational diseases, generating a negative impact on productivity and profitability. The objective was to highlight the importance of the application of new technologies and the inclusion of occupational therapy as concrete strategies for the prevention and control of workers' health. The type of research is a bibliographic review, it has a descriptive design, the collection of information has been an exhaustive search in academic Google of scientific articles present in indexed journals. In conclusion, the use of recent technologies and the incorporation of occupational therapy are fundamental factors to guarantee effective prevention and management of health in the work environment. New technologies make it possible to identify risks early and control safety more accurately, at the same time that occupational therapy helps in the recovery and adjustment of workers, reducing the possibility of suffering injuries, these tactics have an important impact on maintenance of employee health and improving the effectiveness and consistency of the organization.es
dc.subjectRIESGO LABORALes
dc.titleNuevas tecnologías asociadas a la terapia ocupacional en el ámbito laboral.es
Aparece en las colecciones: TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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