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Título : Modelo de negocio previo a la obtención del título de grado del licenciado en Administración de Empresas.
Autor : Pillasagua Fortis, Jordan Steven
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Pillasagua Fortis, J. S. (2024). Modelo de negocio previo a la obtención del título de grado del licenciado en Administración de Empresas. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM_ADM;0414
Resumen : The company El Mundo del Botón, located in Manta, Ecuador, is dedicated to the production and marketing of sustainable buttons made from tagua and coconut. This project’s main objective is to expand El Mundo del Botón’s commercial presence in the Ecuadorian national market by producing and marketing buttons that meet the needs of the textile sector. To achieve this, the project includes essential components such as a SWOT analysis to understand the company’s current state and to develop strategies that will help forecast the supply and demand that can be met. The commercial expansion focuses on establishing new strategic alliances with distributors and textile manufacturers nationwide, thereby increasing geographical coverage and ensuring a greater availability of its products. In addition, it seeks to diversify sales channels by integrating digital platforms to facilitate the purchase of personalized buttons by customers. El Mundo del Botón also aims to develop marketing campaigns that highlight the values of sustainability, quality, and innovation, with the goal of positioning the brand as one of the market leaders in ecological buttons. Moreover, the project foresees the optimization of production processes and the strengthening of relationships with local suppliers, ensuring a sustainable business model. Additionally, cost generation, expense management, financial evaluation, and risk analysis are crucial elements in assessing the company’s reliability. In conclusion, the national expansion of the company will not only contribute to internal economic growth but will also have a positive impact on textile companies seeking a sustainable option, the development of local communities, and the preservation of the environment.
Descripción : La empresa El Mundo del Botón, ubicada en Manta, Ecuador, se dedica a la elaboración y comercialización de botones sostenibles a base de tagua y el coco. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo principal ampliar la presencia comercial de El Mundo del Botón en el mercado nacional ecuatoriano, en la producción y comercialización de botones para satisfacer las necesidades del sector textil.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6610
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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