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dc.contributor.authorVélez Palma, Luis Fernando-
dc.contributor.authorVillamar Andrade, Edder Ken-
dc.identifier.citationVélez Palma, L. F. y Villamar Andrade, E. K. (2025). Evaluación del efecto de la ractopamina, en la etapa de engorde sobre los parámetros productivos de los pollos Cobb. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Pedernales, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo de investigación se llevó a cabo en el cantón Pedernales, provincia de Manabí. El objetivo general es evaluar el efecto de la ractopamina, en la epor tapa de engorde sobre los parámetros productivos de los pollos Cobb 500. Las variables que se consideraron en el estudio son inclusión de ractopamina (3ppm, 5ppm, 7ppm) en la dieta de los pollos durante la fase de engorde. La investigación se dividió en tres tratamientos, cada uno con una concentración específica de ractopamina: 3 ppm, 5 ppm y 7 ppm. Los tratamientos se aplicaron durante un periodo de siete semanas, registrándose y analizando los parámetros productivos de los pollos.es
dc.description.abstractThis research work was carried out in the canton of Pedernales, province of Manabí. The general objective is to evaluate the effect of ractopamine, in the fattening stage, on the productive parameters of Cobb 500 chickens. The variables considered in the study are inclusion of ractopamine (3ppm, 5ppm, 7ppm) in the diet of the chickens during the fattening phase. The research was divided into three treatments, each with a specific concentration of ractopamine: 3 ppm, 5 ppm, and 7 ppm. The treatments were applied over a period of seven weeks, recording and analyzing the productive parameters of the chickens. The most outstanding results were obtained in treatment 2, which corresponded to the administration of 3 ppm of ractopamine in the feed during the fattening phase. This indicates that ractopamine, at the concentrations evaluated (3 ppm, 5 ppm and 7 ppm), does not significantly affect these parameters, remaining constant despite variations in dose. The inclusion of ractopamine at 3 ppm in the diet of Cobb chickens during the fattening phase results in a significant improvement in weight gain, without negatively affecting feed intake and feed conversion efficiency. These findings are of great relevance to the poultry industry, as they suggest that the 3 ppm dose of ractopamine is best suited to maximize production and improve the profitability of broiler production.es
dc.titleEvaluación del efecto de la ractopamina, en la etapa de engorde sobre los parámetros productivos de los pollos Cobb.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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