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Título : Marketing digital y el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores de cosméticos, en Manta.
Autor : Giler Cueva, Thalía Stefanía
Palabras clave : MARKETING
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Giler Cueva, T. S. (2024). Marketing digital y el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores de cosméticos, en Manta. (Artículo Científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-MKT;0168
Resumen : The main objective of this research is to determine how digital marketing affects the purchasing behavior of cosmetics consumers in Manta. A qualitative and quantitative study was developed, with descriptive, exploratory, correlational, scientific, bibliographic and field scope; Making use of the IBM SPSS statistical program, applying a structured survey with the Likert scale, under the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, obtaining a value of 0.966 and through the Rho-Spearman correlation index a high correlation between the variables studied was evidenced, there were 383 surveys conducted to the inhabitants that are part of the PEA of Manta. Finally, positive results were obtained regarding the purchase behavior of cosmetics, where consumers are satisfied with personalized experiences, while online reviews and ratings become an important factor in the decision process of consumers.
Descripción : Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar de que manera incide el marketing digital en el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores de cosméticos, en Manta. Se desarrolló un estudio de tipo cualitativa y cuantitativa, con alcance descriptivo, exploratoria, correlacional, científica, bibliográfica y de campo.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6815
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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