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Título : Innovación tecnológica y turismo cultural en la parroquia Bahía de Caráquez, cantón Sucre provincia de Manabí.
Autor : Panta Enríquez, Kimberlly Daniela
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Panta Enríquez, K. D. (2024). Innovación tecnológica y turismo cultural en la parroquia Bahía de Caráquez, cantón Sucre provincia de Manabí. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-TUR;0026
Resumen : The present work aimed to determine how technological innovation contributes to the development of cultural tourism in the parish of Bahía de Caráquez, Sucre canton, Manabí province, considering as the main problem the limited integration of technological tools in the promotion and management of local cultural heritage, which affects its tourism potential; Descriptive, historical and observational methods were used, complemented by the application of surveys to key actors in the tourism sector, as well as a SWOT analysis that allowed to identify strengths such as the cultural and historical wealth of the area, opportunities related to the growth of digital tourism, weaknesses such as low investment in technology and threats such as competition with other destinations that already implement technological innovation; The expected results included the design of a proposal that integrates technological solutions to enhance cultural tourism through strategies such as the digitalization of the tourist offer, the development of interactive platforms, mobile applications and augmented reality tools to provide a more enriching experience to visitors, in addition to promoting the formation of strategic alliances between local and technological actors that strengthen the promotion and conservation of cultural heritage, thus promoting sustainable tourism development that increases the influx of visitors.
Descripción : El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar cómo la innovación tecnológica contribuye al desarrollo del turismo cultural en la parroquia de Bahía de Caráquez, cantón Sucre, provincia de Manabí, considerando como problema principal la limitada integración de herramientas tecnológicas en la promoción y gestión del patrimonio cultural local, lo que afecta su potencial turístico; se emplearon métodos descriptivos, históricos y observacionales, complementados con la aplicación de encuestas a actores clave del sector turístico.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/7019
Aparece en las colecciones: TURISMO

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