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Título : La gastronomía ancestral y su influencia en el turismo cultural del cantón Jama.
Autor : Canencia Castillo, Geovanna Carolina
Govea Zambrano, Celene Estephania
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Citación : Canencia Castillo, G. C. y Govea Zambrano, C. E. (2023). La gastronomía ancestral y su influencia en el turismo cultural del cantón Jama. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-HH;0008
Resumen : Jama is a canton in the province of Manabí, it has different tourist destinations and a varied gastronomy. The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of ancestral gastronomy on cultural tourism in the Jama canton. The research methodology was structured in the following steps: 1. Tourist and cultural diagnosis of the Jama canton: SWOT Matrix 2. Most representative typical dishes of the Jama canton.3. Proposals to strengthen gastronomic cultural tourism in the Jama canton. To gather the information, it will be inclined to bibliographic reviews, official documents, analysis, and synthesis. The survey was applied through the Microsoft Forms platform. In the diagnosis generated we can visualize how the canton is in the tourist and cultural field. Information on the 14 most representative dishes of Jama is placed by means of cards. With the results of the survey of citizens considering that gastronomic tourism is an alternative for the tourism development of the town, this is how a series of proposals were raised to improve the promotion of cultural tourism in the canton such as fairs, contests, routes gastronomic in conclusion, Jama has a cultural richness and various tourist attractions, the tabs of the dishes provide information quickly and practically. The proposals would help the canton not lose its gastronomic origins. Finally, the recommendations are broken down into the improvement of the roads, carrying out activities for the growth and strength of its gastronomy and that the Gad together with the population is encouraged in the promotion of tourism in the canton.
Descripción : Jama es un cantón de la provincia de Manabí que posee diferentes destinos turísticos y una gastronomía variada. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia que tiene la gastronomía ancestral en el turismo cultural del cantón Jama. La metodología se basa en una investigación descriptiva que inicia aplicando una matriz DAFO y un instrumento de encuesta dirigido a la población de la zona de estudio; el diagnóstico del cantón ha permitido conocer cómo se encuentra el cantón en el ámbito turístico y cultural; se elaboraron fichas para identificar los platos típicos más representativos del cantón; y posteriormente se diseñó una matriz de propuestas para fortalecer el turismo cultural gastronómico del cantón.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4893

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