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Título : Influencia de la edad, raza y el sexo sobre la prevalencia de Anaplasmosis en bovinos del cantón El Carmen.
Autor : Zambrano Mero, Richar José
Palabras clave : GANADERÍA
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Citación : Zambrano Mero, R. J. (2022). Influencia de la edad, raza y el sexo sobre la prevalencia de Anaplasmosis en bovinos del cantón El Carmen. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-AGRO;0335
Resumen : In the current study, the prevalence of bovine Anaplasmosis was determined in the canton of El Carmen in the year 2021, taking into account three fundamental variables: age, race, and sex. For that, a random distribution was carried out taking into account the prevalence of Velázquez (2020). Giving a total of samples of 270 animals evaluated and distributed in 30 farms, of the total farms in the canton of Carmen. The direct method of fine drop smear and Diff-Quick staining was applied, obtaining 125 positive cases with a total prevalence of 46.30%. Reflecting a higher prevalence of 97.22% in the parish of Paraíso la 14, leading to the parish of 4 de Diciembre with the lowest prevalence of this investigation of 15.56%. Taking into account the following variables: age, cases <1 year to one year obtained 48% of positive cases and cases >1 year obtained 52% of positive cases. The studies carried out indicated that the breed with the highest incidence was Taurus with 72% of positive cases, and the Indicus with 28% of positive cases. In terms of sex, it was possible to determine that females showed 70.40% of positive cases and males 24.60%. The risk factors associated with this disease were determined as farms that presented a history of abortion, anemia and hemotropic diseases, exceeding the risk (O.R >1). On the other hand, protection factors (OR <1) were evidenced, such as technical assistance, records, deworming of cattle and placing sick or newly purchased animals in quarantine.
Descripción : En el actual estudio se determino la prevalencia de Anaplasmosis bovina en el cantón El Carmen en el año 2021, tomando en cuenta tres variables fundamentales que es la edad, raza y el sexo. Para aquello se llevó a cabo una distribución al azar tomando en cuenta la prevalencia de Velázquez (2020). Dando un total de muestras de 270 animales evaluados y distribuidos en 30 predios, del total de fincas en el cantón en el Carmen.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5239
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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