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dc.contributor.authorChoez Moreira, Jennifer Lisseth-
dc.contributor.authorLópez Bailón, Diana Alexandra-
dc.identifier.citationChoez Moreira, J. L. y López Bailón, D. A. (2023). Las tics como recursos para fortalecer la lectura comprensiva de los estudiantes de la básica superior, Unidad Educativa “Mar Territorial” del cantón Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionUno de los principales objetivos que persigue la educación es el dominio de la lectura comprensiva, esta habilidad permite al ser humano interactuar, pensar, desarrollarse con mayor facilidad en cualquier ámbito, a pesar de eso el desinterés lector, las escuelas tradicionales, la falta de recursos educativos desplazan cada vez aquel objetivo, por ello nace la idea de elaborar el presente trabajo que centra su desarrollo dentro del contexto educativo en el nivel básico superior intensivo de la Unidad Educativa Fiscal Nocturna “Mar Territorial” del cantón Manta.es
dc.description.abstractOne of the main objectives pursued by education is the mastery of reading comprehension, this ability allows the human being to interact, think, develop more easily in any field, despite this lack of interest in reading, traditional schools, the lack of educational resources displace that objective every time, for this reason the idea of developing the present work was born, which focuses its development within the educational context in the intensive upper basic level of the Night Fiscal Educational Unit "Mar Territorial" of the Manta canton, where it was evidenced the lack of reading comprehension, by collecting information through investigative instruments such as interview, observation, surveys adopting the mixed approach, when obtaining accurate results, it was investigated that students have problems understanding a text, despite the fact that there is motivation for the teacher, the lack of technological resources does not allow the classroom environment to be It is ideal, that is why it is intended to propose the use of digital tools to encourage and strengthen students to acquire reading habits in order to improve the comprehension and interpretation of text, thus achieving that the student is more inserted in the world. of reading the palm of technology.es
dc.titleLas tics como recursos para fortalecer la lectura comprensiva de los estudiantes de la básica superior, Unidad Educativa “Mar Territorial” del cantón Manta.es
Aparece en las colecciones: PEDAGOGÍA DE LA LENGUA Y LA LITERATURA

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