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dc.contributor.authorDelgado Anchundia, Solange Valeria-
dc.contributor.authorPalma Delgado, María Victoria-
dc.identifier.citationDelgado Anchundia, S. V. y Palma Delgado, M. V. (2022). Las actividades de dramatización para mejorar la expresión oral. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación titulada “Las actividades de dramatización para mejorar la expresión oral” se realizó con la meta de realizar un análisis que permita conocer las deficiencias que los alumnos poseen al expresarse. Dentro del contexto actual en las instituciones se omite muchas veces la implementación de estrategias para desarrollar eficazmente la oralidad fluida y gestual, es por ello que debe ocupar el centro de interés de toda acción directriz docente.es
dc.description.abstractThe present investigation entitled "Dramatization activities to improve oral expression" begins with the analysis of the importance of knowing the deficiencies that students have when expressing themselves, within the current context in institutions, the implementation of strategies to effectively develop fluent and gestural orality, which is why it must occupy the center of interest of all teaching guideline action. This is how the initiative was born to develop the inquiry that was delimited in the Dr. Daniel Acostar Rosales Educational Unit of the Montecristi canton in students of the eighth year "C" once the problematic situation was presented that defined as an independent variable the dramatization activities and the dependent oral expression, the referential and theoretical framework based on studies is proposed and the methodology is based on the descriptive level because all the questions raised within the work were explained, from a mixed approach, the method used is analytical, because it will base the parts of the subject investigated to obtain adequate information, in addition, the deductive and inductive intervenes, with a sample of 30 students, these data are collected using techniques such as, survey and interview with the language and literature teacher, the results according to the stated objective , demonstrates that dramatization is an activity that does improve oral expression, since that their practice motivates the student to communicate, express themselves, overcome their fears, leaving shyness aside, opting for the use of the development of their oral and gestural language.es
dc.titleLas actividades de dramatización para mejorar la expresión oral.es
Aparece en las colecciones: PEDAGOGÍA DE LA LENGUA Y LA LITERATURA

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