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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.authorDelgado Moreira, Eyleen Ariana-
dc.identifier.citationDelgado Moreira, E. A. (2022). El uso del fanfiction como ejercicio didáctico para la potenciación de las habilidades de escritura creativa en la básica superior. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionPor años la instrucción de la Lengua y la Literatura ha sido reducida por docentes y estudiantes a un conjunto teórico de reglas y características sobre el léxico y la gramática, concentrándose, de esta manera, solo en la parte más memorística de la asignatura; y prestando, consecuentemente, menos atención a las vertientes creativas y lúdicas que integran los bloques de escritura y literatura del currículo ecuatoriano actual.es
dc.description.abstractFor years, language and literature instruction has been reduced by teachers and students to a theoretical set of rules and characteristics about lexicon and grammar, concentrating, in this way, only on the most memoristic part of the subject; and paying, consequently, less attention to the creative and recreational aspects that They integrate the writing and literature blocks of the current Ecuadorian curriculum. Like a society in constant development, and in a world in which pedagogy must be intertwined With technological and social practices, it is relevant to propose techniques and exercises that fulfill the educational purpose using popular movements as means modern. The writing exercises currently proposed do not develop processes intellectuals that point towards creativity, therefore, it is imperative to propose new writing strategies, in this case, from reading primary works. Writing fanfiction is a common practice in virtual communities, where users They use their fanaticism and imagination to create texts from which many can be extracted. positive and formative characteristics. The implementation of this activity as teaching exercise can enhance students' writing skills by allow them to find a link between class work and their hobbies. The methodology used for this research is based on the qualitative paradigm, since this enables a deeper analysis of the phenomenon to be studied and its pedagogical nature, allowing a more subjective exploration oriented towards social movements and popular. The research is of the descriptive type, since it characterizes a literary phenomenon and presents an analysis of the context in which it can be used in a didactic manner. he used the synthetic analytical method to analyze the collected theory, and applied techniques that allowed us to delve more specifically into the knowledge and performance of teachers and students, such as the interview and focus group. The result was positive for the idea proposed, both students and teachers reacted in a positive way. favorable when suggesting the insertion of this type of text as a didactic exercise for their classes.es
dc.titleEl uso del fanfiction como ejercicio didáctico para la potenciación de las habilidades de escritura creativa en la básica superior.es
Aparece en las colecciones: PEDAGOGÍA DE LA LENGUA Y LA LITERATURA

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