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dc.contributor.authorAlcívar Intriago, Gilda Anabelle-
dc.identifier.citationAlcívar Intriago, G. A. (2023). Herramientas Online para mejorar la comprensión lectora en adolescentes de bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional Juan Montalvo. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLas herramientas tecnológicas son parte esencial de la educación de la nueva era, parte de una nueva realidad y en una educación donde los estudiantes meramente son memoristas, es necesario la implementación de diferentes recursos como estas herramientas, donde se destaca su versatilidad para que los estudiantes se interesen realmente por leer, reforzando la vitalidad de que los estudiantes realmente comprendan lo que está leyendo y no meramente repitan palabras.es
dc.description.abstractTechnological tools are an essential part of the education of the new era, part of a new reality and in an education where students are merely memorizers, it is necessary to implement different resources such as these tools, where their versatility is highlighted so that students really get interested in reading, reinforcing the vitality that students really understand what they are reading and not just repeat words. On the other hand, the general objective of the work was aimed at promoting reading comprehension through online teaching trategies to detect the level of reading comprehension in 3rd grade students. high school the Juan Montalvo Unit. It is an investigation with a quantitative approach where tools such as surveys and techniques such as the questionnaire of the structured base survey were used, through which the contents were developed in a detailed manner based on evidence. The study had as units of analysis a teacher and 25 students. In the results it was identified that teachers are willing to implement this type of online techniques, which are not being exploited for the student to achieve their participation in the educational process and it is denoted that students do have an interest in reading, but nevertheless This is usually lost due to different factors, so it is proposed to make a point of union between what they read and the way in which this affects the consolidation of knowledge, emphasizing that the student is the main actor in the educational process.es
dc.titleHerramientas Online para mejorar la comprensión lectora en adolescentes de bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional Juan Montalvo.es
Aparece en las colecciones: PEDAGOGÍA DE LA LENGUA Y LA LITERATURA

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