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dc.contributor.authorAlonso Barcia, Karen Mishelle-
dc.contributor.authorGóngora Tutiven, César Omar-
dc.identifier.citationAlonso Barcia, K. M. y Góngora Tutiven, C. O. (2022). Uso de Herramientas Lúdicas Pedagógicas Edpuzzle; Wordwall y Educaplay para analizar el texto “Tierra Hermosa de mis Sueños” de Santos Miranda Rojas. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa educación ecuatoriana atravesó un proceso de migración, debido a la virtualidad que se vivió y el retorno a clases presenciales que se ha suscitado. Es por esta razón, que la enseñanza ha tomado un giro distinto, transformando el entorno educativo; y a su vez evidenciando problemas pedagógicos como: la baja divulgación de literatura manabita, los limitados análisis literarios y el indebido o poco uso de plataformas digitales en las prácticas pedagógicas.es
dc.description.abstractEcuadorian education went through a migration process, due to the virtuality that was suffered and the return to face-to-face classes that has been presented. That is why teaching has taken a different course, transforming the educational environment; and in turn evidencing pedagogical problems such as: the low diffusion of Manabita literature, the scarce literary analysis and the inadequate or little use of digital platforms in edagogical practices. The teacher, as the main actor, must be in charge of generating an environment that favors research, learning and the appropriation of cultural heritage; without neglecting new technologies, which have proven to be very useful; However, on some occasions this ideal is difficult to achieve, because many students are not sufficiently prepared to determine which of the attractive resources that exist can cover the didactic needs suffered by students. Faced with this situation, it was necessary to propose digital tools that allow the analysis of the work "Beautiful land of my dreams" by the author Santos Miranda Rojas, to rescue the Manabita culture and merge it with virtual environments, thus avoiding soporific classes. Through the mixed method, a very complete way was used to carry out the analysis of the novel on the Edpuzzle, Wordwall and Educaplay platforms, which allowed the student to analyze and better understand the text, thanks to multimedia elements such as images, clips, audio voice Likewise, the construction of autonomous and significant learning.es
dc.subjectOBRA LITERARIAes
dc.titleUso de Herramientas Lúdicas Pedagógicas Edpuzzle; Wordwall y Educaplay para analizar el texto “Tierra Hermosa de mis Sueños” de Santos Miranda Rojas.es
Aparece en las colecciones: PEDAGOGÍA DE LA LENGUA Y LA LITERATURA

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