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Título : Recuperación del espacio público en el casco central de la parroquia Picoaza, generado por el asentamiento comercial informal post-terremoto.
Autor : Vera Bailón, Braulio Steven
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Citación : Vera Bailón, B. S. (2019). Recuperación del espacio público en el casco central de la parroquia Picoaza, generado por el asentamiento comercial informal post-terremoto. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ARQ;0236
Resumen : The parish considered in this research work, which is part of the theme: RECOVERY OF PUBLIC SPACE IN THE CENTRAL HELMET OF THE PICOAZÁ PARISH GENERATED BY THE INFORMAL COMMERCIAL SETTLEMENT, correspond to settlements that have been developing informally in the center, causing social and environmental problems in the long run, the same ones that were growing without the necessary endowment of urban equipments and infrastructures that meet their needs. The field of action is addressed in the "Projects within the urban architectural field", whose main objective is the diagnosis of the problem of territorial disorganization and degradation of urban public spaces in the study sector, based on the requirements, elaborate a proposal of informal commercial center and thus be able to recover the public space that has been progressively lost by the informal commercial settlement that was seen in the study area. Within the research a methodology was used, which focused on the application of techniques of observation and information collection, since the investigation started from the observation of particular facts, in order to reach general conclusions, and then the collection of the information that supports what has been observed, by means of the application of the surveys to the people that inhabit the sectors, is to have an approximate approach of the levels of deterioration of the public space. From the respective analysis of the results obtained in this research, it is intended to develop an informal shopping center proposal where the current economic activity is located and thus does not cause problems of loss of public space, to convert it into a point of the city that contributes to enhance their identity and improve the self-esteem of their inhabitants.
Descripción : La parroquia que se consideró en el presente trabajo investigativo, que se enmarca en el tema: RECUPERACIÓN DEL ESPACIO PÚBLICO EN EL CASCO CENTRAL DE LA PARROQUIA PICOAZÁ GENERADO POR EL ASENTAMIENTO COMERCIAL INFORMAL, corresponden a asentamientos que se han venido desarrollando de manera informal en el centro, ocasionando a la larga problemas sociales y ambientales, los mismos que fueron creciendo sin la dotación necesaria de equipamientos urbanos e infraestructuras que suplan sus necesidades.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5310
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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