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Título : Propuesta de parque lineal como estrategia de recuperación ambiental y mejoramiento urbanístico de las quebradas en la ciudad de manta entre los sectores Santa Fe, Santa Martha y Los Jardines.
Autor : Zambrano Cevallos, Erick Alejandro
Palabras clave : IMAGEN URBANA
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Citación : Zambrano Cevallos, E. A. (2018).Propuesta de parque lineal como estrategia de recuperación ambiental y mejoramiento urbanístico de las quebradas en la ciudad de manta entre los sectores Santa Fe, Santa Martha y Los Jardines. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ARQ;0284
Resumen : The development of the research is based on the public spaces of the Manta parish Manta canton, specifically in the neighborhoods called “Santa Fe”, “Santa Martha” and “Los Jardines”, determining the causes of the deterioration of public space and lack of recreational facilities. A requirement is given based on an existing need of the inhabitants, that have made public the need for recreation spaces and within The annual projects of the GAD Manta (POA) are considered to be executed of said project. After analyzing the main problem that occurs in the place through various research methods and with the help of citizens in their collaboration, the need arises to propose a proposal to generate the revitalization of the sector, recovering public space, improving the quality of life of people. Thus reducing the environmental pollution perceived in the site since it is used as a dumping site for construction debris, perceiving a large amount of visual pollution, garbage residue. The proposal for the recovery of public space will serve as an element articulator of public and private entities found in the area thus allowing the social interaction of citizens to remain in transit throughout the sector and generating new traffic at different times of the day, in addition of new activities such as leisure, culture and recreation. Improving from in this way the sector giving it a new urban image that will contribute to the city ​​and will benefit citizens in general.
Descripción : El desarrollo de la investigación se basa en los espacios públicos de la parroquia Manta cantón Manta, específicamente en los barrios denominados “Santa Fe”, “Santa Martha” y “Los Jardines”, determinando las causas del deterioro del espacio público y la falta de equipamientos recreacionales.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5358
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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