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Título : Contribution of cartoons in teaching English vocabulary to kids of elementary school.
Autor : Arias Roldan, Fernando Joshue
Delgado López, Jaime Josue
Palabras clave : CÓMICS
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Arias Roldan, F. J. y Delgado López, J. J. (2024). Contribution of cartoons in teaching English vocabulary to kids of elementary school. (Artículo Científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-IDI-NYE;033
Resumen : The research aims to propose using animated cartoons as didactic material for teaching English language vocabulary to elementary school students. The research adapts to the postmodern paradigm and uses a mixed-methods approach. The sample comprises 20 students from public elementary schools in canton Manta, Ecuador. It incorporates pre-and post-tests, surveys, and classroom observations to determine the benefits of cartoons on the participants’ vocabulary acquisition process. The study presents an educational intervention that employs the systematic process of encounter, clarify, remember, internalize, and fluently (Ecrif) framework, which offers a learner-centered approach to teaching vocabulary. The findings show improved from 44.3 to 75.7 points, with 80% of students reporting interest in learning a foreign language using cartoons. The study concludes that incorporating animated cartoons into English language instruction can significantly enhance vocabulary acquisition, boost student motivation, and improve communication skills among the participants.
Descripción : La investigación tiene como objetivo proponer el uso de dibujos animados como material didáctico para la enseñanza del vocabulario del idioma inglés a estudiantes de educación primaria. La investigación se adapta al paradigma posmoderno y utiliza un enfoque de métodos mixtos. La muestra está compuesta por 20 estudiantes de escuelas primarias públicas del cantón Manta, Ecuador. Incorpora pruebas previas y posteriores, encuestas y observaciones en el aula para determinar los beneficios de los dibujos animados en el proceso de adquisición de vocabulario de los participantes.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6061
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