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dc.contributor.authorChompoy Fernández, Stephany Jusmely-
dc.contributor.authorMera Alarcón, Xiomara Mariuxi-
dc.identifier.citationChompoy Fernández, S. J. y Mera Alarcón, X. M. (2024). Aplicación de estrategias efectivas para fomentar la literatura juvenil en estudiantes de primero de bachillerato. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación aborda la aplicación de estrategias efectivas para fomentar la literatura juvenil en estudiantes de primero de bachillerato, utilizando memes y cómics como herramientas pedagógicas. Estas estrategias se implementaron en dos instituciones educativas en la ciudad de Manta, con el propósito de captar la atención de los jóvenes y motivarlos a interesarse en la lectura de manera creativa y atractiva.es
dc.description.abstractThe present investigation addresses the application of effective strategies to promote youth literature in first year high school students using memes and comics as pedagogical tools. These strategies were implemented in two educational institutions in the city of Manta. With the purpose of capturing the attention of young people and motivate them to become interested in reading in a creative and attractive way. The approach of this work is qualitative, with a descriptive level, observing pedagogical aspects related to youth literature. Two instruments were used, such as the interview with teachers and the focus group with students. To obtain a complete view of the impact of these strategies on each institution. “A” high school student were chosen as the population. The sample was 6 students between 14 and 15 years old. The present study focuses on the receptivity and effectiveness of the strategies implemented in different educational contexts. Some students faced the difficulty of answering some questions through the reading presented. For this reason, a comparison is carried out that reveals the skills developed by students from various institutions. It is important to highlight that the results obtained indicate that the use of memes and comics not only increased interest in youth literature, but also fostered creativity and critical thinking skills among students.es
dc.titleAplicación de estrategias efectivas para fomentar la literatura juvenil en estudiantes de primero de bachillerato.es
Aparece en las colecciones: PEDAGOGÍA DE LA LENGUA Y LA LITERATURA

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