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Título : Estrategias de lectoescritura que usan los docentes para determinar el rendimiento académico en el área de lengua y literatura de los estudiantes del sexto año de la U.E. “Dr. José María Velazco Ibarra”.
Autor : Ayala Segovia, Kerly Isabel
Rodríguez Macias, Karla Leonela
Palabras clave : ESTRATEGIAS
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Ayala Segovia, K. I. y Rodríguez Macias, K. L. (2024). Estrategias de lectoescritura que usan los docentes para determinar el rendimiento académico en el área de lengua y literatura de los estudiantes del sexto año de la U.E. “Dr. José María Velazco Ibarra”. (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ED.BAS;027
Resumen : The strategies not only refer to the tools and methods used by teachers, such as guided reading, collaborative writing or the use of digital resources, but also to how these activities help to improve the comprehension, expression and analysis skills of the students. students to help their academic performance. From that perspective, the objective of this research was to determine the impact between the effective application of literacy strategies and the academic performance of sixth-year students of the "Dr. José María Velazco Ibarra" Educational Unit in the area of language and literature. Likewise, the methodology followed was oriented to the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative approach and correlational field design. The survey technique was used to collect data, the instruments used were two tests adapted to the Likert scale, validated through expert judgments respectively. The population involved in the study was 10 teachers and 38 students from the pre-named degree and institution. The results confirmed the effective application and its intervention in academic performance. It was concluded by affirming the existence of a significant correlation between literacy strategies and academic performance in the Dr. José María Velazco Ibarra Educational Unit, it was also possible to identify the literacy strategies used by teachers, since the academic performance of students through the use of the strategies that their teachers implement for daily learning, it was also achieved through the Spearman correlation, showing that there is a significantly strong statistic, that as more and better literacy strategies are implemented, the performance Students' academic performance tends to improve, the high correlation could reflect greater consistency in teachers' observations about the efficiency of these strategies.
Descripción : Las estrategias no solo se refieren a las herramientas y métodos empleados por los docentes, como la lectura guiada, la escritura colaborativa o el uso de recursos digitales, sino también a cómo estas actividades ayudan a mejorar las habilidades de comprensión, expresión y análisis de los estudiantes para ayudar en su rendimiento académico.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6502
Aparece en las colecciones: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA

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