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Título : Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías en terapia ocupacional para usuarios con discapacidad visual.
Autor : Lucas Barcia, Nohely Monserrat
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Lucas Barcia, N. M. (2024). Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías en terapia ocupacional para usuarios con discapacidad visual. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-TO;0115
Resumen : New technologies for people with visual disabilities promote independence in everyday tasks, improving mobility and social participation; highlighting the use of mobile applications with GPS navigation for independence in public spaces. In addition, knowing the benefits of voice assistants and artificial intelligence in household and mobility tasks such as smart glasses and haptic devices, allow users to perform activities autonomously, promoting social integration. Demonstrating that the role of the occupational therapist is fundamental in this process, since it guides users in the use and training of these technologies, facilitating adaptation and self-sufficiency. This research was carried out based on the general objective of analyzing the application of new technologies in Occupational Therapy for users with visual disabilities, addressing how these tools impact the autonomy and quality of life of users: The methodology was carried out through a systematic and bibliographic review of 18 studies, the positive effect of devices such as mobile accessibility applications, virtual assistants, augmented reality and RFID tags, among others, was evaluated. The results show that new technologies are crucial to improving the quality of life of people with visual impairments by offering self-management tools, consolidating independence and improving participation in the community.
Descripción : Las nuevas tecnologías para las personas con discapacidad visual, promueven la independencia en tareas cotidianas, mejorando la movilidad y la participación social; resaltando el uso de aplicaciones móviles con navegación GPS para la independencia en espacios públicos. Además, de conocer los beneficios de los asistentes de voz y la inteligencia artificial en tareas domésticas y de movilidad como gafas inteligentes y dispositivos hápticos, permiten a los usuarios realizar actividades de manera autónoma, promoviendo la integración social.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6515
Aparece en las colecciones: TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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