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dc.contributor.authorMedina Ávila, Danexi Alexandra-
dc.identifier.citationMedina Ávila, D. A. (2024). Modulación sensorial en niños con trastorno espectro autista. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar el rol de la terapia ocupacional en la modulación sensorial en niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), donde se aborda la problemática, centrada en las dificultades que estos niños enfrentan en su modulación sensorial, que impactan negativamente en su desarrollo, participación social, y rendimiento académico; la metodología empleada es sistemática, cualitativa y bibliográfica, basada en la revisión de estudios sobre los trastornos sensoriales en niños con TEA y las intervenciones terapéuticas correspondientes; los resultados obtenidos reflejan que las dificultades en la modulación sensorial en niños con TEA son diversas, tales como hipersensibilidad o hiposensibilidad, lo que afecta sus respuestas adaptativas y la interacción social.es
dc.description.abstractThe present study aimed to identify the role of occupational therapy in sensory modulation in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), where the problem is addressed, focused on the difficulties that these children face in their sensory modulation, which negatively impact their development, social participation, and academic performance; The methodology used is systematic, qualitative and bibliographic, based on the review of studies on sensory disorders in children with ASD and the corresponding therapeutic interventions; the results obtained reflect that the difficulties in sensory modulation in children with ASD are diverse, such as hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity, which affects their adaptive responses and social interaction. These difficulties directly influence emotional self-regulation, learning and participation in daily activities. Regarding therapeutic interventions, the results show that Ayres Sensory Integration and sensory play are effective in improving sensory modulation, promoting active participation in daily and social activities, by reducing avoidance behaviors in response to stimuli. In conclusion, sensory modulation in children with ASD is a complex challenge related to their neurobiological characteristics, based on occupational therapy interventions, which are essential to improve their adaptation and performance in various areas of their lives.es
dc.subjectNIÑOS CON TEAes
dc.titleModulación sensorial en niños con trastorno espectro autista.es
Aparece en las colecciones: TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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