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Título : Estudio comparativo entre obra literaria la peste y el virus covid 19.
Autor : Anchundia Anchundia, Lady Kathiusca
Chávez Zambrano, Michelle Marianella
Palabras clave : EDUCACIÓN
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Citación : Anchundia Anchundia, L. K. y Chávez Zambrano, M. M. (2023). Estudio comparativo entre obra literaria la peste y el virus covid 19. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-PLL;035
Resumen : This article makes a comparative analysis of the work "Plague" by Albert Camus and Covid 19, in which various aspects such as education, society, politics and economy will be taken, it will also emphasize the suffering that Each of the characters in the play and the scenario of death, suffering and incidents that were currently experienced with the pandemic passed by. The objective of this study is to carry out a comparative situational analysis of the work "La Peste" and Covid 19, determining its impact on society and relevance that it currently has, based on the data provided by teachers and students of the unit. Educational "Thirty of September", to this end the research question is, what is the relationship between the work the Plague and Covid-19. In this context, man's way of acting will be of great importance, because, despite being in different times and centuries, people often act wrongly before pandemics or epidemics, therefore, literature is essential, since this allows us to obtain knowledge of how the events occurred and how to solve it. The research question will be answered through the search for information and data collection through an interview with teachers, who effectively develop a comparative situational analysis between the issues raised. With which the results are obtained and in this way, it will be possible to obtain the factors that are assimilated to the work the "Plague" and the Covid 19.
Descripción : En el presente estudio se realiza el análisis comparativo de la obra la “Peste” de Albert Camus y el Covid 19, en el cual, se tomarán varios aspectos como la educación, sociedad, la política y economía, así mismo hará énfasis a los padecimientos que pasaron cada uno de los personajes de la obra y el escenario de muerte, sufrimiento y peripecia que se vivió en la actualidad con la pandemia.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5254
Aparece en las colecciones: PEDAGOGÍA DE LA LENGUA Y LA LITERATURA

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